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APPLICATION AREA Food Packaging Papers
With the increasing awareness of safety and health, food safety has gradually become the focus of people's attention. In keeping with the trend of The Times, major brands in the food industry have switched from plastic packaging to paper packaging. So Food Packaging Paper began to gradually penetrate into People's Daily life, but also become a big opportunity for special paper industry. We choose imported wood pulp, and strictly in accordance with the requirements of food grade, to produce a variety of specifications of Food Packaging Papers, including Grease-proof Paper, White Kraft Paper, etc. Used for making hamburgers, bread, popcorn, rice and other fried and non-fried food packaging, with waterproof, oil-proof, safety, high temperature resistance, high strength, wide applicability and other characteristics. We promise that all products do not add fluorescent substances, no harmful substances to people, have obtained QS, FSC certification.
Used for making hamburgers, bread, popcorn, rice and other fried and non-fried food packaging, with waterproof, oil-proof, safety, high temperature resistance, high strength, wide applicability and other characteristics
Oil-Proof Paper
White Kraft Paper
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Oil-Proof Paper
White Kraft Paper
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